Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Formative Assessment Ideas


Kahoot and Quizizz

Quizizz a lot like Kahoot. The major difference is that Quizizz displays the question and answer options on each students’ screen. Kahoot, on the other hand, shows the question on one screen and students’ screen show only clickable buttons, it always reminds me of the old Simon game. Students play on their own devices by joining the teachers game with a code. The faster a student answers a question, the more points he or she earns. 

Quizizz has memes, which are funny pictures, that is shows after each question. You can turn these off, but you won’t want to. Quizizz lets you turn off the leaderboard and timer, if you have students who get too stressed out when the quiz is a competition. Quizizz can be played as a class or quizzes can be left open for 2 weeks, so a quiz can be used as homework or at a center.

EdPuzzle: I really video like this tool. Take a from Youtube, Khan Academy or TeacherTube and crop it to use only what you need for your lesson, record your voice on top to explain, add clarifications, or add a video introduction. Embed quiz questions along the way, to check for student understanding, track who watched the video, prevent skipping, and see quiz results through the simple to read student reports. 

A newer feature lets your students to create their own video lessons.  Students can view the videos on the website, or the app, or you can can embed the lesson on your website. 

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