Monday, April 30, 2018

Interactive Google Slides

Stand and deliver presentations remain a primary/ the primary way teachers transmit information. Many teachers use PowerPoint, Google Slides and other slidedeck tools to support these lectures and presentations. A little bit of know how with Google Slides will let a presenter make a more dynamic/ interactive presentation.

Here are 5 of my main tips:
1) Backchannel. Use the Peardeck add on or the Presenter View to allow quieter students to ask questions and more fully participate in the class. I was speaking with one of my students today about a report a teacher wrote saying she wished this student spoke more. I teach at a place which prides itself on its kindness. Many students share their opinions freely. Teachers pride themselves for fostering dynamic conversation in their classroom. Yet this girl just doesn't feel comfortable speaking in that class.

2) Formative Assessment- See above. After all, how do we know what students are thinking and knowing. Peardeck and Presenter View are both terrific for this as well.

3) Don't clutter slides with words. Slidedecks should support the presentation, not be the presentation. Pictures, large graphics and keywords should comprise the bulk of the visual presentation. Bullet points upon bullet points of information is a recipe for boring and does little to supplement or enhance the presentation.

4) DriveSlides by Alice Keeler is a great new(ish) extension by Alice Keeler that I use to share student work back with kids. I use DriveSlides in conjunction with Google Classroom. Remember that Google Classroom creates a Classroom folder in Drive. Now imagine you have students share screenshots of their artwork. math homework, etc... A sub-folder containing this work will exist in Drive. A quick click of the DriveSlides extension will make a Slides presentation with its own url. It's a super easy way to receive and share out student work.

5) Google Keep/ Slides Integration: Archive pictures with Google Keep. Using the Keep Notepad in the Tools menu, you can easily pull in these pictures and other work.

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