Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Task iMovie

Is this cheating? Or should I make a new one from scratch? I don't really know about next year. This is something I did this past year.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Task VI- Google Form

I note that the batter moves his bat in google forms, but is static here. I also notice that I should also embed a see results.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Embedding a Calendar: Task V

Well, this is a first time. Are we to embed it as a post or in a calendar widget. Anyway, believe it or not, I still have this calendar active. How do I make it smaller?

Who Likes Baseball? Task IV

This is a movie I made last year when my son played a baseball game for his travel team at Ripken Stadium in Aberdeen. What was cool about the field is that it is a mini-Camden Yards. It isn't an awesome movie... but I thought it fun.

Task 3- PLN

So, I'm going to make a point of using twitter more. It's never been something I've used very much. I really don't tweet at all. I have used Google+ a little bit more. I have a youtube channell, but it was for kid's schoolwork.

This will be an ongoing goal.

I am/ was a member of Ning (does anyone Ning anymore?) of Making Curriculum Pop. It was really useful when I taught history in Middle School. I used it all the time. As a Lower School teacher, I found it less useful.

I do follow some ed heavyweights on twitter, like Deborah Meier and Will Richardson. I confess to finding the feed a bit of a torrent.

Have updated the look

I had a hard time with the dynamic views. I can't seem to make them work as well as the more traditional views.   Do you like the look?

I also tried and tried to load my google+ badge gadget. But I couldn't make it work.

task 2- giving the blog some "pop"

This is what my blog looked like before making it snazzier.

Task 1

Hi Folks,
   I'm taking the FCS summer technology "camp" and I've set up this blog to work on the tasks laid out for us. I look forward to trying some new things out.

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Prezi Video

 Remember Prezi? Once upon a time it was all rage for students. I see very few students use this tool any longer. Prezi is back, though, wit...