Monday, August 29, 2016

Gratitude !!

In the whirlwind that is the start of the year, it is worth reminding myself that I am extremely lucky to do what I do and where I do it.  Few professions so easily allow one to live a purposeful and meaningful existence as teaching.

I want to live joyfully this year. I believe that I have to recognize feelings of frustration and let them go before they influence me too deeply.

I am not my feelings. So, when I do allow my emotions to get the better of me, I have to forgive myself and let it go.

If I am feel rushed, overwhelmed or any other less than positive emotion, I will impart that to my students. I want to make my class a safe haven.

Last week at in-service, we were asked if we chose teaching over a more lucrative position. Virtually every teacher in the room raised their hand. I did too. So, I have to remind myself of this. I chose this for its rewards. They are many.

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