Friday, February 22, 2019

Digging WeVideo

Me to one of my advisees. "Are you digging your classes?"
Advisee- "Pardon?" (He's very polite.)
Me, thinking he didn't hear me, "Are you digging your classes?"
Advisee- "What do you mean by digging?"

A sobering moment for this 50 year old.

I want to post about WeVideo. It's the alternative to iMovie and I'm finding it a very robust tool. My license is given to me by my workplace but it's a very reasonable $5 to get a license. I'd even suggest that it compares (somewhat) favorably to Final Cut Pro, which is a much more expensive tool.

WeVideo's timeline feature allows for fairly sophisticated effects and in the right hands, someone could make a very polished video. WeVideo's simpler storyboard mode is quite akin to the iMovie app on iPad and couldn't be easier to use.

WeVideo comes with its own library of how to videos and supplies a detailed booklet. I link to both on my website. 

If you're looking for good, easy to use video creation tool, take a look at WeVideo.

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